secrets of Hijab


I'm sure that you who are reading already know a lot about the veil
of Muslim women. But I assure you that we have some nuggets to share with you (that you may not know about) and that you can share with those around you!

Are you ready ? Here we go for 3 secrets around the veil! 

Linguistic secrets

As you stroll through the women’s section of our store, you will find clothes called “hijab”, “jilbab” or even “niqab”. We all have in mind the clothing that is associated with each of these names. But in Arabic, do you know what each of these names refers to?

The Jilbab – الجلباب

“El Jilbab” means “the shirt” or “the tunic”. More commonly, it refers to a wide garment extending from head to toe. The Jilbab has the characteristic of being wider than a Khimar, but narrower than a Rida, (upper part worn by men when they are dressed in ihram).
In practice, the woman uses a Jilbab to cover her head and chest.

The Hijab – الحجاب

Hijab refers to hiding. Linguistically, anything that is an obstacle between two other things is called a “hijab”.
Example: A wall between two people is a “hijab”
From a clothing point of view, the hijab is clothing that is worn with the aim of creating an obstacle between one's body and the man's gaze.

The Khimar – الخمار

In Arabic, khimar is what a woman uses to hide her face. It is also called “an-nassif” which is one of its synonyms. Clothing-wise, it is a fabric with which the woman will be able to veil her face.
The word “khimar” admits four possible plurals:
« أَخْمِرَةٌ » « akhmiratoun«, » خُمْرٌ » « khoumroun«, » خُمُرٌ » « khoumouroun« and « khimirhou«

The Niqab – النقاب

The niqab is the mask or piece of fabric that goes to the tip of the nose. Its name varies depending on where this fabric ends. If the fabric goes up to the eye, it will be called “waswasa”. If it goes as far as the eye socket, it is called “niqab”. And finally, if it goes up to the nose, we will then call it “al lithan”.
Consequently, the niqab is the fabric going down to the tip of the nose and only revealing the orbit of the eye.

The secrets of the body

The veil is a garment that is worn. And among the reasons for wearing it, there are some secrets related to body and appearance. Here are a few :

To differentiate yourself from women with bad morals

Allah says in His Book (close translation of the meaning of the verse):

{O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the wives of the believers to cover themselves with their large veils. They will be more easily recognized and will thus avoid being offended.}

[Surah Al Ahzâb, verse 59]

Regarding this verse, Ibn Kathîr explains: “If they do this, they will be recognized as free women and not slaves or women of bad morals. » (The Authentic Exegesis of Ibn Kathir)

To distinguish yourself from men

Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “The Messenger of Allah cursed the man who wears women's clothes and the woman who wears men's clothes. » (Reported by Abou Dawoûd, Ibn Majah and Al Hakim)

Ad-Dhahabi, in his book “The Great Sins”, wrote: “The woman who wears men's clothes, that is to say: slits, or with narrow sleeves, imitates men's clothes and suffers the curse of Allah and his Messenger.”

Secrets of the heart

Finally, the veil is above all an order from Allah with which we seek His approval. Its port therefore conceals many secrets for the hearts!

To purify your heart

Allah says in His Book to the wives of the Prophet (close translation of the meaning of the verse):

{And if you ask them (his wives) for anything, ask them
behind a curtain: it is purer for your hearts and their hearts.}

[Surah Al Ahzâb, verse 53]

Sheikh Ibn Bâz explains about this verse:

“If the hijab was, at the time of the Prophet, purer for the hearts of believers including his wives, then the purity for those after them is even stronger. Protection towards purity in the hearts of those after them is
even stronger, because these were stronger in faith and more perfect in faith. So if the hijab was purer for their hearts, it is purer for the hearts of those after them as well. »

To follow the example of the wives of the Prophet and the Companions

‘Abd Ar-Rahmân Ibn Isma‘îl Al Hâchemî explains in his book “Aisha, the pure, truthful and beloved wife of the Prophet”:

“The wives of our Prophet were women of pure and chaste heart, far from evil passions. Ibn ‘Abbâs says among other things: “No wife of a Messenger has committed adultery, this is a favor from Allah towards them. »

The great scholars unanimously agree on the obligation to love, honor and respect the family of the Messenger of Allah. »

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