Ditribution of muslims in the world

Distribution of Muslims in the world - statistics

Statistical data are very often approximate for certain countries. We can nevertheless consider that the Muslim population spread across the world today is around 1,575,000,000. 


Arabs and Muslims should not be confused. Some Arabs are of Christian faith and constitute significant minorities as in Iraq (3% before the attacks of Daesh or the “Islamic State” in 2014, which caused a massive exodus that is difficult to quantify), in Jordan (5%), in Palestine (5%), in Syria (7.2% in 2011, but the country has since experienced a civil war leading to the displacement of more than 10 million refugees of all faiths or ethnicities, including 3.5 million outside the borders), Egypt (7%), Lebanon (around 30%), etc.

Let us also remember that Arabs are a minority among Muslims. Indonesian Muslims (204 million) alone are almost as numerous as the Muslim Arabs of the Maghreb and Mashreq combined.

If we carry out regional groupings we see that the majority of Muslims are located in Asia (around 62%), North Africa and the Middle East (around 21%).

In sub-Saharan Africa (around 15%), the remaining 2% living in Europe or on the American continent.

Further read : The Concept of Ummah in Islam, What's Ommah in Muslim Community?

Table 1

of Muslims
(in millions)
Total population (in millions) % of Muslims compared to total population
1. Indonesia 204 253  80.7
2. India 178 1250 14.2
3. Pakistan 178 186 95.7
4. Bangladesh 146 152 96
5. Egypt 80 86 93
6. Nigeria 75 177 42.3
7. Türkiye 74.5 76 98
8. Iran 74 75 98.6
9. Algeria 37 38 97.3
10. Morocco 34 34.5 98.5
11. Soudan 34 35 97.1
12; Ethiopia 32.5 84 38
13. Afghanistan 30 30 100
14. Irak 30 33 91
15. Saudi Arabia 27 30 90
16. Uzbekistan 26 29.5 88
17. Yemen 24 24.5 98
18. China 20.3 1355 1.5
19. Malaysia 17 30 56.6
20. Russia 16 143 11.2
21. Nigeria 15.7 16.3 98
22. Tanzania 13.05 46 29.3
23.Kazakhstan 12.45 16.9 73.6
24. Mali 12 15.5 80
25. Senegal 12 13.5 89
26. Burkina Faso 10.77 17.4 62
27. South Sudan 10.62 11.56 91.9
28. Tunisia 10.3 10.7 96.3
29. Ivory Coast 10 22.4 44.6


Countries with a number of Muslims on their territory greater than 10,000,000 in descending order in millions according to censuses or estimates carried out between 2010 and 2014.

Table 2

of Muslims
(in millions)
Total population (in millions)  % of Muslims compared to total population
1. Somalia 9.24 10,090 91.57
2. Azerbaijan 9.00 9,236 97.44
3. Guinea 8.70 10,900 79.90
4. Tajilistan 7.00 7,800 89.90
5. Libya 6.52 6,592 96.00
6. Chad 6.40 11,000 58,20
7. united arab emirates 6.28 8,264 76,00
8. Jordan 6,18 6,503 95,04
9. Mozambique 5,34 23,800 22,40
10. Eritrea 5,20 6,240 83,30
11. Kyrgyzstan 5,00 5,550 90,00
12. Turkmenistan 4,83 5,114 91,04
13. Philippines 4,73 99,290 4,80
14.France 4,71 65,800 7,10
15. Palestine (West Bank+Gaza) 4,17 4,300 97,00
16. Sierra Leone 4,17 5,486 76,00
17. Cameroon 4,11 20,200 20,30
19. Thailand 3,95 67,448 5,90
20. Ghana 3,90 24,700 15,80
21. Mauritania 3,34 3,438 97,10
22. Germany 3,00 80,333 3,70
23. United Kingdom 2,90 63,181 4,60
24. Kenya 2,87 43,014 6,70
25. Kuwait 2,64 3,066 86,10
26. United States 2,60 316,000 0,82
27. Oman 2,54 3,623 70,30
28. Lebanon 2,54 4,132 61,50
29. Benin 2,41 9,600 25,10
30. Albania 2,10 2,790 75,50
31. Malawi 2,01 16,400 12,20
32. Kosovo 1,80 1,816 99,00
33. Sri Lanka 1,72 20,300 8,50
34. Gambia 1,67 1,816 92,00
35. Israel 1,60 8,120 19,70
36. Italy 1,58 60,700 2,60
37. Bosnia Herzegovina 1,55 8,120 19,10
38. Qatar 1,16 1,921 60,80
39. Bahrain 1,04 1,235 84,30
40. Bulgaria 1,00 7,285 13,70


Countries with a number of Muslims on their territory between less than 10,000,000 and more than 1,000,000 in descending order according to censuses or estimates carried out between 2010 and 2014.

Table 3

1. Afghanistan  100
2. Kosovo 99
3. Iran 98,6
4. Morocco 98,5
5. Türkiye 98
6. Yemen 98
7. Niger 98
8. Azerbaijan 97,4
9. Algeria 97,3
10. Mauritania 97,1
11. Sudan 97,1
12. Palestine 97
13. Tunisia 96,3
14. Bangladesh 96
15. Libya 96
16. Pakistan 95,7
17. Jordan 95
18. Egypt 93
19. Gambia 92
20. South Sudan 91,9
21. Somalia 91,5
22. Turkmenistan 91,4
23. Iraq 91
24. Saudi Arabia 90
25. Kyrgyzstan 90


Countries whose population is more than 90% Muslim in 2014 (percentage) 

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