parents and children in Islam


Islam is a religion revealed by God to all people, which applies in all places and at all times. It is therefore accessible to all and is particularly concerned about the respect, rights and responsibilities of everyone. In the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him) are the rights and responsibilities established by God for humanity. Since they are not subject to people's desires and whims, they do not change.


These unique rights in Islam include the rights of children. Children's rights are not guaranteed by their parents, their community or even their government; they are guaranteed by God Himself.

Islam establishes a legal framework and a code of ethics intended to protect the rights of individuals, including their right to live in security. For children, safety is of paramount importance.

Children's rights begin even before their birth and conception. The Quran and hadith clearly state that people should take marriage very seriously and think carefully about their decision to marry this or that person. The Prophet Muhammad said: “Men marry a woman for four reasons: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty and her piety. So marry a woman for her piety. »

Parents and children in Islam

If a man and a woman are both very pious and strive daily to please their Creator, the rights of the children they have are automatically guaranteed. Because worshiping God means obeying His commandments and one of His commandments is to respect the rights of children.

Already, by getting married rather than living an illicit relationship, the couple ensures part of the rights of their future children. Indeed, a child has the right to know his or her lineage.

Once a child is conceived, he or she has the right to life. The Quran clearly states that all life is sacred. It is therefore not permitted to terminate a pregnancy for fear of not having enough money to raise the unborn child. It is God who provides for the needs of His creation.

“Do not kill your children for fear of poverty – We provide for you as well as theirs. » (Quran 6:151)

But if a decision must still be made to terminate a pregnancy, it is important to remember that having a child is a blessing from God and that such a blessing should be welcomed with joy and gratitude. Many people around the world are unable to have children. So when God grants one to a family, it should make them happy.

Are children a possession?

dome of the rock

However, children are not toys or possessions. And we have great responsibilities towards them, as mentioned in the Quran and the hadiths. It is obligatory for believers to raise their children to be virtuous people and to make them feel valued members of the human race. Neglecting this duty risks deviating children from the right path as adults and distancing them from God.

“O you who believe! Protect yourself and your families from a Fire whose fuel is composed of men and stones, guarded by harsh and severe angels who never disobey God in what He commands them and who do (strictly ) whatever is ordered to them. » (Quran 66:6)

For his part, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Each of you is a shepherd responsible for his flock. The leader is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.

A man is the shepherd of his family and is responsible for his flock. The woman is the shepherdess of her husband's household and is responsible for his flock. »

The duty of parents to muslim children

Taking care of your children and raising them properly is a duty that every parent must fulfill and this task is not always easy. In fact, God reminds us, in the Quran, that our children can become a great test for us. Life's triumphs and tribulations are tests and children are no exception.

They can bring us a lot of happiness, but they can also cause us a lot of worry and sorrow. God, in His infinite wisdom, never causes an adult to be incapable of facing the trials of their life.

“Your property and your children are a test for you; but with God there is an enormous reward. » (Quran 64:15)

Following the teachings of Islam helps the believer cope with all events in his life, including trials, tribulations and triumphs. Islam's approach to raising children covers the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of raising children.

Childhood is a unique moment in an individual’s life and Islam has always recognized this.[2] This contrasts completely with Western ideology, where the very concept of childhood was neither discussed nor commented on before the 16th century.[3] Until then, children had always been seen as small adults, with the same needs and desires as adults.

Throughout Islamic history and in Islamic literature, the rights and responsibilities of children are clearly defined. Parents, families and communities have certain responsibilities towards children. Many are obligatory, and on the Day of Judgment God will question parents about how they have treated their children.


Muslim scholar ibn Uthaymeen described children as beings entrusted to us by God. He added that children should be well fed, washed and clothed; that they have the right to education, religious knowledge and spiritual learning. Their hearts must be occupied with faith and their minds with knowledge and wisdom. And it is in this spirit that the following articles in this series have been written.
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