teach children islam


Among the concerns of every Muslim parent, we can obviously cite the good religious education instilled in their child. From the moment he was born, questions arose: “How will I be able to transmit to him the noble values ​​of Islam? », “At what age can I start? ”, and “How will I begin this teaching if necessary? » To these numerous questions, it is clear that the answers are much rarer. There are certainly some [rare] works translated into French providing particularly interesting insights, but it is not always easy to delve into them or refer to them when the need arises.


What a regrettable observation when we know the importance of religious learning for each of our children, like the words of Yazid Ibn Mu'ammar: “Learning science at a young age is similar to engraving in the stone. » [Mawsoû’ah Ibn Abî Ad-Dounyâ 8/133].

So let's see together what means and tools are within our reach in order to put them at the service of the religious learning of our offspring, depending on each person's age, of course.

My child is 2 or 3 years old


What are my child's abilities?

Your child is going through a period rich in acquisitions, both from a motor and language point of view. He explores his environment, tests it and spends a lot of energy developing his balance, running, climbing... At the same time, he acquires new words at a prodigious speed and expresses himself better and better as the weeks go by. And praise is due to Allah.

What skills can I seek to develop in my child during this time?

As we have just said, this period is conducive to language development so let's take advantage of it!

Teaching the Word of Tawhid

The parent should not hesitate to have their child repeat the words of Tawhid: “Lâ ilâha illa Allah”. Even if the child does not necessarily understand the meaning of it, it is part of the parent's good behavior and his responsibility to transmit to him this grandiose word, the one proclaiming the Oneness of Allah, the one by which Allah distances us of Hell and brings us into His vast Paradise.

On this subject, Ibn Al-Qayyim said: “When the child pronounces his first words, he must be taught the pronunciation of the testimony of faith: “Lâ ilâha illa Allah, Mouhammad Rasoul Allah. » » [Tuhfat Al-Mawdoûd bi Ahkâm Al-Mawloûd]

Pass on other beneficial words

In addition to the attestation of faith, it is possible for the parent to transmit to their child other profitable words that the child will easily memorize, bi idhni Llah. Saying “Bismillah” before eating, saying “Al Hamdoulillah” after sneezing (even if the pronunciation is not always very precise…), saying “As-Salamoaleykoum” to those close to you… So many ideas and sources of information inspirations for the parent wishing to transmit from an early age some Islamic principles and some rules of good conduct.

Gradually introduce the question-and-answer principle

Another interesting idea, depending on the child's level of understanding: that of questions and answers. This method of learning, well known to scholars and students of religious studies, proves particularly effective, even with children.

For example, around the age of 3, it is possible to ask the child: Where is Allah? Who is your Prophet? What is your religion ? Who created the trees? The clouds ? At the beginning, the parent is asked to answer for the child then, gradually, through repetition, the latter will know how to answer, bi idhni Llah.

Some lessons learned from the good manners of a Muslim ?

Over the years, the child gains autonomy: he likes to do things on his own. Like eating for example. The ideal opportunity for the parent to teach him to eat with his right hand, seated, according to the good manners that suit the Muslim.

This search for autonomy can also manifest itself when dressing. A new opportunity to encourage our children to turn to Islam and its teachings. It’s prayer time and your child sees you putting on your hijab, your jilbab or your qamis? Does he see you spreading your prayer rug? Give him the opportunity to imitate you by providing him with some clothes that are easy to put on, a suitable hijab and why not, a prayer rug that fits him.

Shared moments which will be so many memories to treasure.

My child is between 4 and 7 years old

What are my child's abilities?

During this period, your child's skills evolve. He is now able to listen to a story or a story in a calm and concentrated manner, he is interested in various subjects, shows his curiosity, asks questions and gradually turns towards the acquisition of reading.

What skills can I seek to develop in my child during this time?

The acquisition of reading and the child's interest in books and stories (whether in written or audio form) during this period must be highlighted!

Introduction to belief

Your child now knows where Allah is, who his Prophet is, who created the heavens and the earth, the day and the night, the sun and the moon. It is strongly recommended to continue learning in this valuable area of ​​authentic belief. Who do we pray for? Who are we fasting for? Who do we invoke? Throughout the occasions and times spent together, the parent should not hesitate to mention Allah and talk about ‘Aquida with their child.

The daily evocation of Allah

During the course of a day, there are many opportunities to remember Allah and ask Him for His protection or blessing. Before going to the toilet, before eating, before sleeping or going out... Everyday invocations must be regularly cited by the parent in order to make it easier for the child to memorize them. There is no need to be harsh with your child if he sometimes forgets an invocation.

Memorizing short surahs

Memorizing the surahs of the Koran constitutes an important step marking this age group. The child listens to the short surahs and repeats them until satisfactory memorization and pronunciation. This will also allow older brothers and sisters to review them and younger ones to become familiar with them.

Surahs An-Nâs, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlâs, Al-Masad… Parents are asked to teach them to their children and have them reviewed regularly.

Listening to profitable stories

During this period, stories occupy an important place in the child's life. They allow him to escape, to imagine another universe, another context and to acquire new knowledge in various fields. This is a perfect opportunity to make him listen to stories that are profitable and beneficial for building his Muslim identity.

The life of the Prophets, that of the Companions, episodes of the Sira... The areas are diverse and varied and all share one thing in common: that of opening our children to a universe rich in events, information and culture: history of the Muslim world.


Among the preferred media, we can cite books aimed at children. Containing numerous images, bright colors and a level of language adapted to them, these manuals are a must-have in every home. In addition to these, it is possible to vary the pleasures and learning supports by offering listening to courses or audio books for children. Whether we are at home, in the car, or on a trip, these audio lessons accompany us everywhere and are very popular with children who see in these media a new way to meet their needs for escape and imagination.

My child is between 7 and 11 years old

Sheikh Zayed Mosque

What are my child's abilities?

During this age group, the child sets out to discover the world around him. He becomes aware of the realities of his environment, whether close or not. He becomes a social being and builds a universe in which friends and people outside the home take up more space. He plays sports, is interested in various themes, develops his sense of responsibility and becomes an independent being.

What skills can I seek to develop in my child during this time?

In the midst of building his autonomy and fully asserting his identity as a social being in his own right, it is the time to give him more responsibilities, particularly concerning prayer!

Learning to pray: a decisive turning point

This is the opportunity to teach him ablutions and prayer. Indeed, the Prophet ﷺ said: “Enjoin your children to perform prayer at the age of seven. If they are reluctant at age ten, correct them and separate them into their diapers. » [Hadith Sahih]

In her book I educate my child, Umm ‘Abd Ar-Rahman Al-Athariyah says:

“It is appropriate to teach him the rules of prayer, the number of units that make up each of them and how to perform them. »

As for the book The Education of Children in the Light of the Quran and the Sunnah, the author, ‘Abd As-Salam Ibn ‘Abd Allah As-Soulaymân explains:

“If the child grows up in the love of prayer and if he is aware that Allah observes him, he will have a healthy and virtuous education by the will of Allah. He who neglects it or abandons it runs to his ruin.”

Introduction to fasting, a pillar of Islam

Fasting is also a key stage in a child’s life. Gradually, he can learn to fast, especially during the days of the blessed month of Ramadan.

In her book I educate my child, Umm ‘Abd Ar-Rahman Al-Athariyah says: “We must also accustom him to fasting in stages, such as instructing him to fast a quarter of a day, then a half, then a whole day. »

The belief: Healthy and firm foundations

Learning about belief is always a priority as well. The child is now able to better understand the word of Oneness “Lâ ilâha illa Allah” and in particular its two pillars which are the negation (that no divinity deserves worship) and the affirmation (that Only Allah is right to be worshipped).

The child now knows the pillars of Islam, the pillars of faith, the three questions that will be asked in the grave (Who is your Lord? Who is your Prophet? What is your religion?)... All these important notions can regularly be revised, particularly through online courses, audio courses or age-appropriate books.

The child can also discover some of the Names of Allah, with explanations from his parents (helped by a reference work) or with the help of a suitable book. He will learn more about the Names and Attributes of his Creator and thus know Him better and worship Him better.

The importance of learning the Arabic language

Once the letters of the Arabic alphabet have been memorized and mastered, it is time to acquire real Arabic reading skills, even if not all the words are understood. As he reads in Arabic, his way of reading will become more fluid and his vocabulary will expand, bi idhni Llah. There are also short videos in Arabic and numerous Arabic-speaking YouTube channels to familiarize your child with this noble language.

Reading the Quran and memorizing it

During this period, the child continues to learn the surahs of the Noble Quran. Depending on his rate of memorization, he has undoubtedly already memorized the surahs of Jouz ‘Amma and Jouz Tabarak. He does not hesitate to review them regularly and to recite them during his prayers.

In his book The Education of Children in the Light of the Quran and the Sunnah, the author, ‘Abd As-Salam Ibn ‘Abd Allah As-Soulaymân explains: “Learning the noble Quran plays an important role in the education of children. If we wish goodness and a high rank for our children in this world and the Hereafter, we must ensure that we teach them the Book of Allah (reading, memorizing, meditating and putting it into practice), especially from 7 to 14 years old, which is the best time to learn by heart. »

An important step, the parent must ensure that the child reads the Quran directly in Arabic in order to become ever more familiar with this language. Furthermore, it is important that the child recites the Quran while respecting the rules of Tajwid. If he does not know them, he is asked to recite taking the example of his teacher or the recording of a reciter. And this, in order to respect the suras as they were revealed and in order to avoid any error in meaning.

Reading and the world of storytelling: a field that is still relevant today

At this age, reading and listening to stories still occupy a central place in a child’s development.

Thus, the parent does not have to hesitate to offer audio lessons, stories, stories of the Prophets or even those of the illustrious Companions or great Muslim explorers in order to combine religious learning and pleasure.

Introduction to moral values ​​and various human qualities

The child spends more and more time outside the home and enjoys spending long periods of time in the company of his cousins, neighbors, friends, classmates, sports teammates, etc. On this occasion, the adult can transmit to them certain noble and moral values ​​of all Muslims: fair play, prohibition of cheating, sharing, gentle behavior, smiling face, generosity, mutual assistance... So many human qualities that the child must try to develop. acquire as soon as possible.

In his book The Education of Children and the Basis of Their Training, Cheikh Mouhammad Ali Ferkous explains:

“Among the pillars of the education and training of the child, there is the fact of teaching him the notions of good and evil in this life and of teaching him what he must undertake to achieve happiness of his person and what he must abandon to avoid misfortune. »

My child is 12 and over

What are my child's abilities?

During this age group, the child grows and gradually becomes an adult. His actions are therefore judged by Allah ‘aza wa jall and it is time for accountability. Friendships and brotherly relationships now occupy an important place in his daily life. An additional opportunity to teach him the values ​​of Islam!

What skills can I seek to develop in my child during this time?

Since his interactions with the outside world continue to grow, it becomes important for the parent to explain to his child that he becomes responsible for his actions, that he is judged by Allah who sees and hears him. The adolescent must understand that even if we, parents, do not see him, Allah certainly sees him.

Memorizing the Quran

Before school, after school, on weekends, during vacations... Reading, memorizing and reviewing the surahs of the Koran become a daily habit for adolescents. He devotes the time necessary to continue his memorization.

Beneficial advice: don’t lose track of your teenager’s learning! How many parents like to have their 4 or 5 year old children recite, but as soon as they are over 10 or 11 years old, the parents' listening and corrections become increasingly rare! The child learns alone, in his room or at the mosque and the parent no longer knows which surah he is on. What a pity !

Obligatory acts are also obligatory for young adults

Daily prayers, fasting during the month of Ramadan... Obligatory acts for every Muslim also become obligatory for young adults! The parent is therefore asked to remain vigilant regarding these obligations by ensuring that their child is not negligent with regard to them.

Deepening your knowledge

‘Aqidah, Sira, Fiqh, Hadith, Arabic language… The time has come to deepen knowledge in all areas favorable to religious learning! The teenager will be able, on this occasion, to identify which areas or themes captivate him the most: the different episodes of the Sira, Tafsîr, the Arabic language... With the encouragement of the parent of course!

Openness to moral values, virtues and ethics

Being fully social, adolescents very often find themselves in contact with other people: friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, uncles, aunts and sometimes nephews and nieces... So many ways for the parent to instill values ​​in them. morals which must dictate his daily conduct, whether alone or surrounded.

Among these, we can cite the little importance to be given to this lower world, the abandonment of wasting time and money, the importance of good company, the nobility of the search for science, the danger of looking for false excuses, the harm of gossip between friends or even the pride he must feel in being Muslim.

And this, in accordance with what Louqman said to his son: " My child ! Seek protection from Allah against the worst of men and be on your guard against the best of them. Do not trust in this world and do not preoccupy your heart with it, for you were not created for it. » [Al ‘Aqd Al-Farîd 1/304]

He must also realize the value of Muslim scholars.

In his book The Education of Children in the Light of the Quran and the Sunnah, the author, 'Abd As-Salam Ibn 'Abd Allah As-Soulaymân says:

“To ensure a good education, fathers and mothers must instill in children a love of scholars and those in authority. The scholars are the heirs of the prophets, who bequeathed neither dirham nor dinar. They left behind only knowledge: whoever seizes it will have won a large part of their inheritance. »


We hope that these few guidelines (non-exhaustive) will prove profitable and useful for parents who wish to offer their children a healthy education, based on the rules of Islam and its noble values. May Allah have mercy on him who said:

“Certainly, education is beneficial for the child in his youth. But it is of no use after this age. So, if you seek to rectify a branch of green wood, it will rectify itself. But the dead wood does not change, even if you strive to rectify it. »

And may the praise and salvation of Allah be upon His Prophet ﷺ, upon his family and upon all of his Companions.

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