Islam News and Knowledge

gambling in Islam

Sports betting, poker, scratching... Too many young people are affected by this scourge, regardless of their faith. Indeed, many people have succumbed to this temptation mentioned in the Quran and...

materials in lego elements

What Materials are in LEGO® elements ? LEGO® components are made from many different types of plastic materials. They have different characteristics depending on how people intend them to be used, but they...

video games halal or haram

How can we judge the practice and authorization of children to play numerous and widespread electronic games such as those produced by Sony and Nitendo and others?  The answer Praise...

History of Hajj

Hajj is an Arabic term which literally means "to leave for a place". Islamically, it refers to the sacred pilgrimage and the fifth pillar of Islam. Introduction Every year, around...

Islam for kids

“Allah” written in Arabic, the language in which the Quran was a religion of monotheistic tradition, that is to say based on the belief in a single God. This...

Islamic architecture

There emerges from Islamic architecture a particular poetry. Fine mosaics, sumptuous sculptures, complex engravings, majestic gilding, mashrabiya and admirable stained glass windows... Introduction So many extremely rich architectural details that...