teach Islam to children

How to teach Islam to your children?

The religious education of our children is an obligation for all Muslim parents. Sometimes faced with this situation, we don't know how to go about it. As parents, we want the best for our children and give them access to learning about Islam. There are many resources available today, whether online or in paper formats, you will find incredible programs created especially for children. But where to start ? and when to start?

Where does Islamic education for its children begin?

Naturally, the education of Islam in children takes place first and foremost at home. Indeed, from a very young age, the child imitates his parents, this is how he will begin his learning. It is therefore important to create an environment where Islam is visible and felt at home while adopting a pleasure in teaching and consistency in it.

There are several ways to teach your children, we suggest some methods to implement:


  • Instill tawhid in children, by explaining the oneness of Allah
  • Play the Adhan at home at prayer time
  • Recite it Quran out loud
  • Allow your children to see you pray and why not suggest that they pray together. Not only will he be happy to do like his mother or father, but it also allows for a closer connection with your child.
  • Don't hesitate to stick up pretty posters with douaa prayers, this will be a visual aid for your children but also helps with reminders for parents.
  • Read Islamic books for children, we are fortunate to have many books on the basics of Islam suitable for children. There are board books for little ones with simple words.

Your child may possibly have Islamic learning at the mosque. Indeed, if your child has the opportunity to go to the mosque with one of his parents, the simple fact of immersing them in the mosque connects them to the faith. You can take them with you from a very young age, it's a practical experience in a suitable environment

At what age can children be taught Islam?

As seen previously, learning about religion begins from a very young age, so there is no ideal age to start teaching Islam to your children and instilling in them the values ​​of Islam. However, depending on the age of your child you will adapt the lessons. Take advantage of major events to establish habits, for example Ramadan is the ideal time to start learning Islamic studies for children.

Indeed, Ramadan creates a religious atmosphere and puts the child in good conditions for learning (you can use a calendar with a different activity each day). Of course, as the child grows, he will learn to practice his religious obligations gently and with all kindness in order to help the child to flourish.


Here are two examples of obligations that can be put into practice:


Teaching your children about Islam is an important obligation for their religious future. The important thing is the Koran, good manners, from a young age. Step by step, the child learns and enriches his knowledge, it is important to follow the child's pace and not rush him.

The objective being to make him love Islam, take the time to explain things to him, the prohibitions, the obligations, the history of the prophets, etc.

Also take advantage of the many resources available today, whether digital or paper resources, vary the activities!

Don’t hesitate to create the game around learning: create challenges, use board games or organize educational outings.

Game for muslim children

Children need to be encouraged and supported, particularly by their parents, so that they can in turn pass on, Insha Allah, this magnificent religion of peace to their future children. 

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